Automated & Real Time Vulnerability Management in OT Enviros

Presentation Overview

The current OT cyber security landscape sees common trends such as increased cyber risk, growing pressure from corporate and regulatory bodies to implement security programs, and an influx of IT teams muscling their way into OT in OT cyber security practice. These trends put pressure on OT practitioners to accelerate their use of technology and find innovative ways to scale solutions across multiple assets and sites. Managed by a scarce, often remote, support team while balancing the use of IT tools in an OT-safe process, it’s time to find a better way.

This familiar scenario led a number of operational entities to employ a new approach to OT cyber security called “Think Globally, Act Locally.” It provides multiple benefits to the operating company such as:

  • Reducing redundancies of people, process and technology
  • Oversight by key OT staff to ensure safe operations
  • Granular insight and control in the identification and application of compensating controls when patching is not possible
  • Bridging and leveraging the best of both IT skills and OT insight
  • Providing operators with a way to take action as opposed to just alerting

Join Rick Kaun, VP Solutions of Verve Industrial, as he provides insight into what the “Think Globally, Act Locally” approach is, a real-world case study example, and suggestions for adopting the framework at your organization.

Speaker Bio

Rick Kaun
VP Solutions, Verve Industrial Protection

Rick Kaun has nearly 20 years of experience in IT and security. He has provided varying levels of consulting projects to a wide range of clients in multiple industries including oil and gas, refining, mining, power, pulp, and paper as well as a handful of discrete manufacturing industries. As the former chair for the NPRA cybersecurity committee, or as a contributing member to the Control System Security Working Group, Rick always approaches engagements with an eye towards building a scalable, cost-effective and manageable solution. Because security is a program that requires constant attention, collaboration, and innovation, Rick strongly believes in the need for cooperation, creative thinking, and a consistent focus in order to drive results.

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