Solving the OT Data Connectivity Challenge

Presentation Overview

Is Digital Transformation a buzz word you are constantly hearing at work or across the industry?

Has your leadership or IT department chosen your Cloud provider?

Are you trying to extract value and solve problems, but are struggling to access all available operational data?

Do you think the only data you can access from your operations comes from your Process Data Historians?

Extracting data from Operational systems has had a challenging past. Process Data Historians have helped us store and mobilize time-series data from control systems, but what about all the other data created in operational systems that exist at your facilities? As the industry drives to solve operational constraints leveraging analytics, the "quest" to use the right data to solve these challenges has turned out to be a challenge unto itself. This session will focus on today's challenge of Operational Technology (OT) data connectivity, why it is such an issue and how new developments are making this easier to leverage as part of your Digital Transformation initiatives.

Speaker Bio

Steve Barker
Manager of Digital Foundations, Spartan Controls

Speaker Bio Steve has been involved in the Automation Industry for the past 22 years and the Oil and Gas industry for the past 25 years. Steve Holds a Bachelor’s of Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Bristol in England and is a Professional Engineer here in the province of Alberta. Steve's current role focused on the enablement of Operations Technology. From network design and deployment, Cybersecurity as well as integrating Operational Technology environments to Physical or Cloud based IT environments; Steve's Digital Foundations team at Spartan Controls has the expertise and experience to help. Steve is originally from the Edmonton Area, but lives in Calgary now with his wife and two daughters.

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